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Monday, January 12, 2009

"Lost" and Slaughterhouse-5

While watching my Lost: Season 4 DVD's this weekend, I came to an episode that completely slipped my mind during our Slaughterhouse-5 unit. In the Episode "The Constant", one of the show's main characters, Desmond, becomes unstuck in time. The way it was handled was just as I imagined it while reading the book. Desmond would be doing his own thing when out of nowhere he would be in a completely different place (his past). The episode even got its own Emmy nomination. Probably the best episode of the show of all time, see for yourself...


Anthony Mystery said...

i agree, those episodes are crazy complex. i cant wait for the new season next week. i didnt start off watching lost, i actually started in the 3rd season, but now im hooked. i think its a good addiction

Brittanya said...

that's like one of the only episodes i've seen of "Lost".
I agree.

really creative connection though, never would have thought of it myself.

Jimmy said...

i remember that episode too, i didnt even think about it until you mentioned it here, great post =]